PADI Specialty Courses
Many of PADI Specialty Courses are now available with PADI eLearning. With elearning you can start your scuba training digitally wherever and wherever it is most convenient for you. eLearning is the easiest way to fit dive lessons into your busy schedule. Work at your own pace, online or offline, using your computer or mobile device.
Why not be the best of the best in PADI recreational diving by becoming a PADI Master Scuba Diver.
To enable you to gain this awesome title you will need to complete your Open Water, Advanced Open Water and Rescue Diver, plus 5 specialties. Anyone as young as 12 years old can aim to become a PADI Master Scuba Diver.
All students are required to sign a PADI Medical Statement prior to starting the course. If the student has any of the medical conditions listed then signed clearance from a doctor, valid for 12 months from the date of signature will be required.
Boat Diver

Many of the world’s best scuba diving sites are only accessible by boat. The PADI Boat Diver Specialty course will benefit you by learning about boat terminology, boat diving procedures and etiquette, including how to enter and exit, and where to stow your gear and boating safety, including how to locate safety equipment. You will also learn how to navigate back to the boat and deploy an SMB.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete knowledge development sessions and 2 open water dives. During which you will learn:
- Boat terminology.
- Boat diving procedures and etiquette, including how to enter and exit, and where to stow your gear.
- Boating safety, including how to locate safety equipment.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: 1 day
PADI Boat Diver Specialty is THB 4,900
Deep Diver

Deep diving opens the door to many new exciting dive sites like deeper wrecks, reefs, and walls. As a rule, divers tend to be adventurous people and deep-diving whether it is to visit a wreck or take photographs this certainly be called adventurous. It’s only natural that like most divers, you have some interest in going deeper. Deep diving is a means to an end. You make a deep dive to see, to do, or to experience something that you can’t on a shallower dive.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete knowledge development sessions and 4 open water dives over 2 days. During which you will learn:
- Specialized deep diving equipment.
- Deep dive planning, buddy contact procedures, safety considerations and buoyancy control
- Managing your gas supply and dealing with gas narcosis.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI Adventure Diver or PADI Advanced Open Water, or have a qualifying certification from another training organization.
Minimum age: 15 years.
Duration: 2 days
PADI Deep Diver Specialty THB 8,500
Digital Underwater Photography

Underwater photography is becoming one of the most popular diving specialties, and with many underwater cameras now available to choose from, it has become easier and more fun to capture images of your underwater adventures. The PADI Digital Underwater Photographer course gets you going quickly, whether you use a point-and-shoot camera or more professional dSLR camera.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete two knowledge development sessions and 2 open water dives. During which you will learn:
- How to choose the right underwater camera system for you.
- The PADI SEA (Shoot, Examine, Adjust) method for getting great shots quickly.
- Principles for good composition of underwater images.
- Practical techniques to take great photos with your digital camera.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization
Minimum age: 10 years.
Duration: 1 day
PADI Digital Underwater Photography Specialty THB 4,900
Emergency Oxygen Provider

Understanding when and how to use emergency oxygen is a great skill to have and means you are ready to help others if the need arises. Becoming a PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider will give you the benefit so that you can recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen, and are able to offer aid.
Course Structure
You’ll learn about dive injuries, different types of emergency oxygen equipment and safety considerations when using oxygen. Then you’ll practice:
- Assembling and disassembling emergency oxygen equipment.
- Deploying a non-rebreather mask and a demand inhalator valve on a breathing diver.
- Using a pocket mask on a nonbreathing diver.
Prerequisites & Duration
There are no prerequisites or age restrictions for this course
Duration: 1 day
PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider THB 4,000
Enriched Air (Nitrox)

This course is designed to qualify recreational divers to use enriched air (“nitrox”) for no-stop recreational diving with enriched air (EANx) compatible dive computer. The program addresses computer-assisted diving while using enriched air with 22 percent to 40 percent oxygen to monitor no stop limits with oxygen exposure.
Course Structure
Students will apply the knowledge they gain by reading the PADI Enriched Air Manual and watching the video and complete two open water dives.
During which you will learn:
- Discuss managing oxygen exposure.
- Practice analyzing oxygen content in your scuba tank.
- Set your dive computer for diving with enriched air nitrox.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization.
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 1-2 days
PADI Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) THB 8,000
Night Diver

Going to a Dive Site at night opens up a whole new underwater world. You will see aquatic life that you would not normally see in the daytime. Scuba diving at night will teach you to focus on what you can see in your light’s beam, on controlling your buoyancy by feel, on staying with your buddy, and on paying attention to details you may overlook during the day.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete knowledge development sessions and 3 open water night dives. During which you will learn:
During your three open water night dives, you will practice:
- Light handling and communication techniques.
- Entering, exiting, and navigating in the dark.
- Identifying how plants and animals differ or change behavior at night.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 2 nights
PADI Night Diver Specialty THB 8,000
Search & Recovery Diver

Losing items underwater can and does happen from time to time, and we’re sure that if you have ever lost anything you definitely wanted to find it. The PADI Search and Recovery Diver Specialty course will teach you effective ways to search for different-sized objects underwater and will increase your chances of finding them. You will also discover that there there are good and better ways to lift small, large, or just awkward items.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete knowledge development sessions and 4 open water dives. During which you will will practice:
- Swimming search patterns using your compass and natural navigation.
- Locating large and small objects using various search patterns.
- Using a lift bag for large or heavy objects, plus other recovery methods.
- Planning a search operation based on facts gathered about a lost object prior to the dive.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization
Minimum age: 12 years
Duration: 2 days
PADI Search & Recovery Specialty THB 8,000
Self Reliant Diver

The purpose of the Self-Reliant Diver Speciality Course is to recognise and accept the role of the buddy system and its contributions to diver safety. This course covers when diving alone may be applicable, and the need to compensate for those situations, including dive planning, life support system readiness, adaptive training, equipment, and responsibility.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete knowledge development sessions and 3 open water dives. During which you will practice:
- During three self-reliant training dives, you’ll practice:
- Performing an air consumption rate swim to gather information for later calculation.
- Switching to a redundant air supply system during simulated emergency situations.
- Swimming without a mask.
- Navigating to various points, including your exit.
- Using a DSMB.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, or have a qualifying certification from another training organization.
Minimum of 100 logged dives.
Minimum age: 18 years.
Duration: 2-3 days
PADI Self-Reliant Specialty THB 11,000
Sidemount Diver

Sidemount diving is not a new concept, but its application has spread from cave diving to recreational and technical diving. Sidemount diving presents divers with a different approach to equipment configuration, and a new set of skills to master. Remember that the philosophy of this course is to provide an introduction to the use, benefits and proper configuration of sidemount equipment for recreational diving, with an emphasis on safety.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete a knowledge development session, 1 confined water dive, and 3 open water dives. During which you will practice:
- Properly assemble and configure sidemount scuba diving equipment.
- Trim your weight system and sidemount gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water.
- Manage gas by switching second stages as planned, if wearing two cylinders.
- Respond correctly to potential problems when sidemount diving.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI Open Water Diver, or have a qualifying certification from another training organization.
Minimum age: 15 years.
Duration: 3 days
PADI Sidemount Specialty THB 12,000
Underwater Naturalist

About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, and our oceans hold approximately 96.5% percent of all the earths water. This makes it natural for us to be curious about this vast percentage of our planet. During the Underwater Naturalist Specialty you will learn the key differences between the terrestrial and aquatic worlds, about the major aquatic life groupings, interactions and information that dispels myths and how to act responsibly with aquatic life.
Course Structure
During the course you will complete knowledge development sessions and 2 open water dives. During which you will learn:
- Key differences between the terrestrial and aquatic worlds.
- Major aquatic life groupings, interactions and information that dispels myths.
- Responsible interactions with aquatic life.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI Junior Open Water Diver, PADI Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: 1 day
PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty THB 4,900
Underwater Navigator

Be the scuba diver everyone wants to follow because you know where you are and where you’re going. The PADI Underwater Navigator course fine-tunes your observation skills and teaches you to more accurately use your compass underwater. If you like challenges with big rewards, take this course and have fun finding your way.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete knowledge development sessions and 3 open water dives, during which you will learn to use natural clues to navigate and also practice:
- Methods to estimate distance underwater.
- Compass navigation while making multiple turns
- Marking or relocating a submerged object or position from the surface.
- Underwater map making.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI Junior Open Water Diver, PADI Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization
Minimum age: 10 years
Duration: 2 days
Underwater Navigator Specialty THB 7,500
Wreck Diver

Whether has been purposely sunk as an artificial reef for divers or was lost as the result of an accident, wrecks are fascinating. Boats, ships, airplanes, and even cars are great to explore and are usually teeming with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for new discoveries. The PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course is very popular because it offers fantastic adventures whilst observing responsible wreck diving practices.
Course Structure
During this course, you will complete knowledge development sessions and 4 open water dives
- Safety considerations for navigating and exploring wrecks.
- Surveying and mapping a wreck.
- Using penetration lines and reels to guide exploration.
- Techniques to avoid kicking up silt or disturbing the wreck and its inhabitants.
Prerequisites & Duration
PADI Adventure Diver or PADI Advanced Open Water, or have a qualifying certification from another training organization.
Minimum age: 15 years.
Duration: 2 days
Wreck Diver Specialty THB 8,500